First Church  of Christ, Scientist
Valley Park, MO
(Christian Science services) 


All are Welcome!

Perhaps you’ve driven past a little church at the Main Street dogleg just north of the Valley Park schools. The sign in front reads, “First Church of Christ, Scientist.”

But what does that mean?

Since most people think of science as unrelated to religion, the name “Christian Science” inevitably raises questions. But Mary Baker Eddy, who discovered what she named “Christian Science” in the pages of the Bible, was convinced that, underlying the God-empowered instances of healing included in the Scriptures, was a dependable, demonstrable divine law-- a divine Science which Jesus taught and practiced and referred to as “the truth” that, when understood and consistently lived, “shall make you free” (John 8:32.)


After being quickly healed, through insightful reading of her Bible, of a life-threatening injury, she searched the Scriptures for a deeper understanding of that Science and successfully applied it in countless cases where healing was greatly needed. These consistent results convinced her that Christianity, as Jesus taught and lived it, was a practicable Science, rooted in God—the divine Principle, Love. Those she taught it to also found it dependable, and after some years she ensured its continuing availability by writing the Christian Science Textbook—Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures—and founding a church.


And that brings us to the question: What goes on inside that church in Valley Park, which is a branch of the worldwide church she founded?

10:00 AM Sunday Services - They’re centered on a Bible Lesson-Sermon which has been studied by Christian Scientists across the world during the previous week. They also include hymns, prayer, and a sacred solo. A children’s room is available for very young children during all our services.

10:00 AM Sunday School – We have Bible classes for preschoolers to late teens, beginning with the Ten Commandments, the Sermon on the Mount, the Lord’s Prayer, and stories from the weekly Bible Lesson. Older students are encouraged to freely explore the questions they have about relating these teachings to their lives.

7:30 PM Wednesday evening Testimony Meetings – Readings from the Bible and Science and Health that have been specially prepared for our congregation are followed by spontaneous expressions of gratitude for healing and inspiration by those in attendance. Hymns and prayer are also a part of this weekly celebration.

Reading Room – Housed in our church, the Reading Room is open after every service. It’s a quiet place to study and pray, to ask questions about Christian Science, and to shop for helpful study materials, for uplifting music, and for our inspirational periodicals, including the weekly edition of the Pulitzer-Prize-winning newspaper, The Christian Science Monitor.

You and your family are always welcome to visit our services, testimony meetings, and Sunday School and to make use of our Reading Room.



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